Welcome to SEAL Foundation (DBA Special Elite Aligned Leaders Foundation (S.E.A.L.))
SEAL Foundation (DBA Special Elite Aligned Leaders Foundation (S.E.A.L.)) is a 501(c)(3) approved non-profit organization. Created by the Wu Brothers (Jack Wu & Rex Wu) to organize and operate exclusively for purposes of charitable and community services engaged in assisting children and their families. Finding families and children who need special attention with general welfare, health, education, and dignity of life throughout their diversified and mixed culture communities allows all efforts to be closely supported and observed assuring success and benefit for all participants. SEAL was chosen to honor the men and women associates who have helped to build this great organization emulating the long standing tradition of unit integrity, team work, honor and sacrifice established by our Nation’s elite Naval Special Warfare patriots, the SEALs.
If you are willing to help more people through this great organization, please support us by give any amount that your heart desires using the button below. |